Tag: Writing

  • Endings & Beginnings

    Endings & Beginnings

    I am writing this on my laptop, which is perched precariously on the rounded back of my half-Maine Coon, Shadow, who insisted upon being in my lap even after I told him he couldn’t be there. Alas, he does not take ‘no’ for an answer and doesn’t mind being uncomfortable as long as it means…

  • I have always wanted to be a writer. I used to tell people I wanted to be an author, singer, dancer, model, actress (not necessarily in that order). But aside from the short period of time around the age of seven when I wanted to be a veterinarian and live in a haunted mansion with…

  • Spooky Season & Writing

    Well, here we are again, with another Spooky Season upon us. It just so happens to be my favorite season of the year, along with my favorite time of year to sit down and get some writing done. Here in sunny Southern California, summer never leaves quietly. It usually takes until mid-October before the 90-degree…

  • There’s this thing that most authors hate-well, at least I hate it-and that thing is website creation. This is why when my website went tits up years ago, I never bothered to start over. I’d rather write three novels a year than create a website. And yet, here I am. Who am I, you ask?…